Welcome to The Dr Hickey Surgery

We specialise in providing the best possible care to those experiencing homelessness. We are dedicated in providing the best possible care to homeless people. 

★ CQC rating Outstanding

The Dr Hickey Surgery is a GP practice dedicated to caring for Homeless people in Westminster. Our Practice opened in 1987 to care for those who are roofless, those in hotels and hostels, squats and refuges, as well as people shelters.


Would you like to join our Patient Participation Group (PPG)?

We have a very active PPG and we are always looking for new people to join it to offer their thoughts and feedback on the Practice.

Find out more

You can find upcoming events and previous meeting minutes here

Featured news

Woman outside front door

News  |   5-3-2024

Hope you enjoy our new website!
Welcome to our new website! We’re pleased to share a new look for our Practice. We hope you… Read more
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